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Kirito God Mode Vs Vassago Asuna Hugs Kirito Sao Alicization War Of Underworld Episode 19 Youtube Kirito Sao Kirito Asuna Why do kirito eyes turn y.
350x324 - Foxen dives into this sao topic regarding god mode kirito, hack mode kirito, jesus kirito, dual blade kirito, etc previously.
Original Resolution: 350x324
Supernatural Gold Eyes Tv Tropes Apocalips 86 views1 month ago.
480x360 - There's also the thing that kuroyukihime has asuna's eyes and kirito's hair colour, that helps.
Original Resolution: 480x360
Kirito Whipped By Church Integrity Knight Admin Quinella Sword Art Online Alicization Episode 12 Youtube Kirito Sword Art Sword Art Online Now, i could just assume the eye colour change was a sign of him surpassing the system with his will (as acknowledged by kayaba).